We are heartily welcome and offer your humble Prayer and financial supports for this above given activities which are totally committed for the humanitarian help and supports to the poor and needy one in the community for their Healthcare ,Education and Livelihood.
God will bless and love to the cheerful Giver!
You are requested to make Donations, Grants, Gifts, Supports by Cheques /Drafts and Online deposits in favor of:-
“ Sahara Christian Academy ” Payable at Uttarkashi Uttarakhand.
Our Bank :- Punjab National Bank
A/C No. :- 0881000110035238
Branch Code:- 088100
RTGS/NEFT IFS Code:- PUNB0088100
Our Mailing Address:-
Sarah Christian Academy
Gusain Bhawan Near ITI Joshiyara Uttarkashi -249193 (UK)
Contact No. +91,9410735524 , +91,8859100896 , +91,9411313403
Email ID:- scaindia2003@gmail.com , madwsindia@gmail.com