Director’s Welcome
Warm welcome to SAHARA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY(SCA) and to an exciting new phase in your life. Sahara Christian Academy is a modern and invigoration place providing schooling program relevant to today’s needs for the entrance courses to our children for their better future platform.
Today the world has changes. It has become one global village with a globalize economy and an international in all walk of life. Sahara Christian Academy students are encouraged to think independently and creatively, beside examinable subjects at SCA, we place equal emphasis on learning and enjoying other subjects such as music, Arts, Sports, Games, Philosophy and sociology to enhance the total perspective of educational experience.
We also place equal emphasis on sports and athletics, so that students learn to empower each other by co-operative efforts. In other words SCA’s education is practical as well as theoretical. Sahara Christian Academy offers access to the largest equipment is simply the most current leading techniques and most importantly access to a quality education.Whether your plans are to make your children better in energy field of education, you are welcome to join your children at Sahara Christian Academy, Joshiyara Uttarkashi.
SCA opened its door to begin its operations under the guidance and able leadership of the Founder Director Mr. R, Stephen Diyali who is an excellent and active social worker with a wide plan and projects exposure. He has been involved and committed his life for the poor and helpless people in the community.
Sahara Christian Academy is assisted by a very able and qualified -and well experienced teaching staff from North-East and South of India. All teaching staff are social and spiritual in the school. Your children would be talk and write the good English within short time probably. I cordially invite you to visit our school to see the facilities and environmental compounds and meet principal and staffs and talk about you your children education.
The Academy’s prospectus will give you a broad introduction to SCA’s facilities and environment. It is not intended to become substitute to a personal visit which is very important.
Thanking you and heartily welcome to you All and May God bless you.
With Warm Regards.
Rev. R. Stephen Diyali
Founder/ Director.